There was a Volunteer even being held there and was a great excuse to get out. We had a great time. Our project was creating rock dams to keep back an invasive fish to swim from the resivior up to the spring, eating the desert dace, an endangered fish.

Nothings better after moving rocks then a soak in the hot springs. Another fun thing was the different arrowheads that people found around camp. They figure they were about 8,000 to 9,000 years old. One guy found one when he looked down to pick up a dutch oven and just noticed the worked rock. Hot Springs were pretty popular will all groups of people.

We had another soak at night and saw a few stars. Jessica got a new tent for her birthday that we had great success with and Sunday we went for another soak. We found a hot springs that is usually kept quiet because it's on private land. It isn't as hot as the others, but it is large enough to do a cannonball in. It made some great pictures.
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Sunday we came back, and started another week. The playa is passable now, but there will be more pictures of that later.