It just happened to be the weekend of their Winterfest. So we got to go see the Saturday night festivities which included a great fire dancing troupe, along with some New Orleans Jazz, and a snowboarding rail park.

The fire dancing was pretty impressive. There was a guy with a flaming bull whip who would wrap it around himself. Then there were two guys who had a flaming sword fight. Then two guys got on stilts and were twirling bo-staffs. There was also the typical poi pots and flaming hula hoops. Behind them was this organ looking thing that would shoot off series of patterns, some in time with the music. I was hoping it was really an organ. In the end they were all out dancing and doing their thing, it was a great show.

The entire event was outside and I couldn't believe that the band could play with the temperature in the teens. The first band was real young and called Trombone Shorty, I would highly recommend going if you see they are coming. At one point in the second show they had a sousaphone freeze up, so they had a "jazz odyssey" and the lead singer knew the exact quote from Spinal Tap.

Sunday we got up and went snow shoeing in the mountains behind Bend. Unlike Bend, there was plenty in the mountains. It was fun to be able to get out and enjoy the snow. We had a nice four mile hike out to a hut and back. From the hut we could see the city of Bend below, but I think I most enjoyed the trees.

Monday we shopped around town, found a bookstore had some lunch and then left for the six hour drive back. We drove through a heavy snow storm at night, and that was trippy. It made you feel dizzy and like you had vertigo.
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