I took Friday off to get in the fresh powder. It was a workout. I was at a disadvantage because my skis weren't wide enough to keep me on top of all the snow. When I fell I would end up in snow up to my waist. I fell a couple times and ended up under the snow which was temporarily suffocating. It was a frightening experience, and I don't know how I'd do in an avalanche.

Saturday I stopped by the ski shop to check out some demo powder skis. There was another foot of fresh powder and the wider skis made all the difference. We got a couple of first runs on the rose side that were incredible. The skies were clearing off and it was windy and freezing my face. Because it was Presidents Day weekend, the hill was packed. We took a couple breaks to avoid the people and by the afternoon, all the powder had been compacted into bumps. The new snow was fun and sounds like there might be more on the way.