First stop was the Jawbone Recreation Area I had a book with a fun cross country route to take across the desert. The flowers were out and the air was cool, perfect for a drive. At one switchback going up a hill there was a washout I almost got stuck in. It was a deep and narrow and when I tried the first time I almost high centered myself. I got unstuck and decided not to try again since I was alone. I took a still scenic easier way out.

My first stop that night was Kernville. A neat town at the base of the Sierras, just off the Kern River. The river was flowing hard with all the snow from this winter. I camped at the campground and the next day explored the canyon. That night I headed around to the East side of the Seqoia NF intending to backpack into the domeland wilderness.

I took off in the morning, but after hiking in three miles, found the river was to high to cross. So I hiked out and drove around to the legendary Kennedy Meadows. It's a popular spot on the PCT. Since I already had my stuff packed, I hiked in a couple miles and camped next to the river. It was good to get out alone in the woods.

I hiked out the next morning and headed north on 395. The drive out was great with wild flowers all over the hills. I made a random stop for a wildflower picture, and ended up at a BLM Rec site called Fossil Falls where water had sculpted out channels in volcanic rock, but now it's dry.

I stopped off in Lone Pine for a few pictures. It's a one stoplight town, but has been a popular destination for a century. It is the access point to Mt. Whitney, and it was the shooting location for most old Western Movies. Ansel Adams took a famous shot there, Winter Sunrise over the Sierra Nevada. While I was there I heard, English accents, german, dutch and french. Quite eclectic.

I wanted to spend another day in the mountains, but weather was coming in and it looked snowy. So I headed home to clean up before going back to work.
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