I went back for homecoming and Kappa Sigma's 125th anniversary. I had my camera, but never found a good time to take a picture. So all I have are these two cell phone shots, but really I think they capture the experience. Always good to see great friends.
I had a meeting in West Virginia and the colors were amazing.
On my way back to the airport, I stopped by Harpers Ferry and to my terminus of the Appalachian Trail. I was shocked to find out they had re-routed it down a different block. I did a little re-creation of my finishing photo. Hopefully I'll put that on line some time.
I had a conference out east, so went a few days early to see my brother in New York.
I stopped by washington square and there was a piano player. He was there for four hours. I don't know how he got out that piano out there, but he rocked for four hours. I also bought a jacket at the best thrift store I've ever found. And I went to my favorite coffee store. It was a great trip of highlights.
Blake and I got to hang out and went out to see our cousin and new 2nd cousin.