We drove up Wednesday. It was a ten hour drive, but it seemed to go really quick. There are some really straight roads out there. About 8pm we got into Portland and hung out at Kristina and Aaron's house. Thursday was pretty relaxed with cooking and getting ready for the feast. I was a horrible photographer and only got one picture of the table.

Friday we got up, had breakfast with Kristina and Aaron and headed for the coast. It was a cloudy/rainy day, but it was expected for the season. We made several stops at overlooks as we drove down 101. It was nice to see the ocean again. We even saw a few surfers. We stopped in at Newport, just in time to go on the brewery tour. It looked like most breweries, so I didn't get any pictures. The beer was delicious!

We camped out at a forest service campground and could hear the ocean from our tent. We took a walk on the beach in the morning fog and then continued south. We stopped in Yachats, OR which was an amazing little beach town. The views were spectacular and everything was relaxing.

Further down the road we stopped at the Devils Churn. I could have stayed here all day. It was a place where there was a cut in the landscape and the ocean surged into this chute creating big foamy waves. It looked like some surreal art. It really is impossible to describe, just try looking at the pictures and video.

Then we went up to Cape Perpetua overlook where we could see the fog clearing off. There is a little stone structure at the point where Jessica's sister wants to get married next June, so we were doing a little research.

After that, we made a few more stops along the coast, saw a few Sea Lions in the water and took a few shots of Jessica and her new car. Before we left we stopped in Florence at Mo's with it's World Famous Clam Chowder. It lived up to its reputation.

We drove back through the night and got back to Winnemucca about 1 am. Certainly a change of environment.
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