My friends Austin and Kerry put together a team, and I was the 11 leg. We split up into two cars, so we could get breaks between the legs. We spent a lot of time decorating the car, on our first set of legs. Our first section went from Truckee around up to Lake Tahoe. I ran along the river to where it comes out of the lake, which was very pretty.

After that we went to Jill's in South Lake Tahoe and slept for about an hour, before packing up and meeting the other car at the top of Kingsbury Grade. It was neat to see all the people running through town with lights on, and the course was mostly empty except for us. I had a flat night run that felt great. Our section took us from the pass, down through Genoa and out to Carson City.

After Carson, we had to pick up an extra leg because Austin had injured himself. Laura and I split it, but worst was we didn't really get to sleep. After the leg we drove to Virgina City and cat napped in the car. Fortunately the bar, Bucket of Blood, opened special at 5am. I had a delicious bloody mary.

In Virgina City we got to see the Battle Born team go by. It's all elite distance runners from Nevada who are in it to win it. They did the whole thing in under 18 hours. That means they averaged under 6 min. miles for the entire thing. Going downhill, I'm sure they were doing 4.5 min. Unfortunately there are not pictures, because as some one said, it's like a meteor going by.
Our last leg was the longest, hardest and hottest. We picked it up just out of Virgina City and back into Reno. I walked a lot of my segment, but so were a lot of other people. At the end we were glad to be done, took an amazing shower and passed out. I might just be up to do it again next year.

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