I had decided if I was going to be driving, I was going to try taking as many backroads as possible and stop to read the signs at the side of the road and take the time to explore, even if I was in a car.
So I left the Selway, over Lolo pass and into Missoula, then west down 90 to Wallace. My favorite little american town. I mean, they say they are the
center of the universe, have a brothel museum, were the last stoplight to be take out of the interstate system, and have what is called
gyro days (that's pronounced like gyroscope, not like the sandwich). If you're ever heading down 90, it's worth the stop.
From there I headed north and checked out another Red Cedar grove. They are really neat forests.
Then headed up to Sandpoint to see Chet and Melissa and their new son Grey. I stayed with them for two nights and had a great time catching up and hanging out.
From Sandpoint I went around Preist River Lake and up towards the border with Canada. Stopped by a few waterfalls including one that is almost directly on the border with Canada, called American Falls. It is the end of the Idaho Trail I had originally started, but I didn't find a monument.
Then there was this neat flume at a random state park I stopped off at.
I needed to get back over towards Glacier to meet up with my dad in a week. From where I was the easiest way to do that was to go up into Canada and around to Bonners Ferry. So I was in Canada all of a week. The guys at the border didn't quite understand that and they almost searched my car, but let me through without much issue.d
I stopped by the Kootenai falls, which was a pretty impressive water fall. There's a guy on the far right of the first picture
Something I noticed on my drive was the different context the information signs included. The most interesting was the difference the way Blackfeet were described. They are known as being fierce and skilled warriors, but opinions seem to differ as to why.
This first sign is from outside Kootenai falls

"...the Blackfeet, who came across the Continental Divide from the plains on horse stealing and scalp raising expeditions."
To this one from the plains of those blackfeet.
"These indians were fierce and willing fighters who jealously guarded their territory from invasion."
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