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Thursday, December 26, 2013
End of 2012
Towards the end of 2012, my blogging took a hiatus. Hopefully this will get me caught up and I can start fresh for 2014.
Mallory came down for thanksgiving and put together quite a spread, including cooking a duck for the first time.
I had a meeting in Washington DC, so Mallory and I went out early to make a trip up to NYC as well. We stayed with her friends Porter and Coop, got to see my brother and went to the top of 30 Rock.
I managed to do a little sightseeing while I was in DC as well. We stopped by the botanical gardens, where they had models of the different monuments around Washington all created from organic material. We took in a few of the sights around town, including the christmas lights. Uncle Charles, Pat and Jay showed us around, but I somehow ended up with no pictures of them.
Then there were a couple pictures on the santa crawl before my camera died.
I went home to Dallas for Christmas and we visited a few museums including the new Perot Nature Museum.
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