I met Jessica in Reno on Wednesday and we made the 12 hour drive up on Thursday. It could have been shorter, but we took the route with only ten miles on the interstate. On the way up we stopped by Crater Lake, but it was a cloudy.

Chelsea and Doyle have an adorable son named Aiden. The first day we all went down to the beach and played in the sand. Aiden had a great time, but couldn't stop himself from wanting to taste everything including eating the sand.

Friday we ran errands in Newport and stopped by the Rogue brewery. Saturday was the graduation, that I didn't make the trip for, and Sunday was exploring Yachats.

That night we went and watched the sunset at Devil's Churn as the tide was coming in and it was beautiful. We even saw a seal come up and give us a look in the churn.

Then Monday was the big wedding day. It was a lot of fun having the entire wedding party staying at the same house and hanging out. It certainly made scheduling a little easier. Aiden got a tux that was all kinds of wrong sizes for him, but I guess that's what you get for a two year old. The girls hung out in the master room getting their hair done and drinking champagne.

But in the end it came off without a hitch. Chelsea and Doyle chose a most perfect spot to be married. It is an over look on Cape Perpetua in a stone hut that was first built by the CCC. It has great views of the coast line and overlooks the ocean. The ceremony was officiated by their brother Jonathan and the entire thing took about ten minutes. The views were gorgeous and the pictures were fantastic.

And Aiden was adorable.

From there we went down to the seaside to take a few more pictures.

Thankfully the professional will have a better pictures then me! The reception was at a restaurant that overlooked the bay. They opened just for us to be there, it was fun having the entire place to ourselves and the food was delicious. Afterwards we went down and had a fire on the beach, Chelsea was still in her wedding gown.

So Tuesday was the last full day together. We had a terrifically lazy morning, then went exploring to the south in the afternoon. We checked out some tidal pools with crabs and starfish. Then went down to where another river met the ocean, and finally we went on a hike. Aiden demanded that we push im in his stoller like a racecar. It wore out all the guys pretty fast.

The next day we all went different ways. Jessica and I headed south on the 101 for a five day road trip home.
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